IKEA 365+ Sauté pan, stainless steel | IKEA Saute pans | IKEA Frying Pans & Woks | Eachdaykart
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The IKEA 365+ Sauté pan is crafted with high-quality stainless steel, featuring heat-diffusing bases for even heat distribution and optimal cooking. Its wide shape and deep sides make it ideal for cooking and simmering large portions. Make your meals like a pro with this sauté pan.
- Size : 24 cm (9 ")
- Country of Origin : CHINA
- Designed by : IKEA of Sweden
- Article Number : 804.842.54
When sautéing you fry food quickly at high heat with a minimum of fat. Ideal for small food pieces and primeurs. Lower the temperature and put the lid on so the hot moisture braises the food to perfection.