Conquering The Chaos by Ravi Venkatesan
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India's 2014 general elections resulted in a new government led by a business-friendly prime minister, Narendra Kumar Modi, of the Bharatiya Janata Party. This has renewed interest in the country, especially as an alternative to the slowing economy and increasing political risks in neighboring China. However, India remains a challenging market due to its reputation for corruption and bureaucracy. In "Conquering the Chaos," Ravi Venkatesan, former chairman of Microsoft India and Cummins India, draws on his personal experience and interviews with CEOs to provide expert advice on succeeding in this complex market. He also offers insights on how to overcome the internal culture and mindset at a multinational's headquarters, which often hinder success in emerging markets. This book is a must-read for any company looking to succeed in India and other developing nations.