The 10-Day MBA by Steven Silbiger
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Steven Silbiger, a seasoned professional in marketing and a graduate from the Darden Graduate School of Business at the University of Virginia, offers a valuable alternative for those who aspire to attend a top MBA program. His book, The 10-Day MBA, succinctly covers the essentials of such a program, providing an interesting and informative read. Author Tom Fischgrund, known for his book The Insider's Guide to the Top Ten Business Schools, highly recommends this business classic for those seeking a comprehensive guide without the time or resources for a full-time business degree. This internationally acclaimed book is carefully structured and written in an easy-to-understand manner, making it a perfect resource for anyone looking to familiarize themselves with the concepts and terminology used in the business world. With this book, readers have the opportunity to gain knowledge and insights from leading business schools such as Harvard and Stanford in just 10 days.