Hbr Guide To Buying A Small Business by Harvard Business Review
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Are you in search of an alternative path to a traditional career at a large firm? Is starting your own startup too risky for you? A third option exists: purchasing a small business and serving as its CEO. Buying a small company can bring significant financial gains, as well as personal and professional satisfaction. As a leader, you have the opportunity to be your own boss, utilize your executive skills, create a company culture that meets your needs, and directly reap the benefits of your success. However, finding the right business and successfully closing a deal can be challenging. In the HBR Guide to Buying a Small Business, Harvard Business School professors Richard Ruback and Royce Yudkoff provide expert guidance on determining if this path is right for you, securing financing for your acquisition, evaluating potential prospects, avoiding common pitfalls, recognizing the potential in seemingly "boring" businesses, negotiating with sellers, and avoiding last-minute deal failures.