Business Sutra: A Very Indian Approach To Management by Devdutt Pattanaik
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Business Sutra: A Very Indian Approach To Management is a groundbreaking, nuanced perspective on management, business, and leadership in a rapidly polarized world. In this landmark book, best-selling author, leadership coach, and mythologist Devdutt Pattanaik reveals how modern management, despite appearing objective, is deeply rooted in Western ideologies focused solely on achieving strict objectives and increasing shareholder value. In contrast, the Indian way of conducting business, as seen in Indian mythology but no longer practiced, embraces subjectivity and diversity, offering an inclusive, empathetic approach to achieving success. The book highlights the importance of "darshan"- how we view the world and our relationship with Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. It utilizes stories, symbols, and rituals from Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist mythology to draw parallels between various business scenarios, from managing a successful tea stall to nurturing talent in a large multinational corporation. At its core, the book presents a compelling idea: when we believe that wealth must be pursued