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Hold My Hand by Durjoy Datta in Paperback
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- Author : Durjoy Datta
- Language : English
- Binding : Paperback
- Global Fulfillment by : Eachdaykart Global
Product Description
Experience the heart-wrenching journey of Deep and Ahana in the contemporary Indian fiction novel, 'Hold My Hand' by Durjoy Datta. Written with a refreshing narrative style and crisp storytelling technique, this book delves into the sacrifices one makes for true love. As Deep falls for the beautiful blind girl he meets in Hong Kong, readers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, dreams, and promises. But when Ahana's ex-boyfriend enters the picture, will their love survive? Explore the power of love with one of the most popular contemporary Indian writers of our time, Durjoy Datta, author of books such as 'Of Course I Love You Till I Find Someone Better' and 'You Were My Crush till you said you love me!'. Available for easy online shopping at