The Viceroy’s Artist by Anindyo Roy
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In the foothills of the Himalayas, a 62-year-old painter from England falls off his sketching stool. Despite his weight, asthma, and seizures, Edward Lear is determined to paint the towering Kanchenjunga for his patron, the Viceroy of India. He is an unusual presence in the country, simultaneously drawn to and repelled by the British presence in India. As he traverses the land by pony carts, jampans, and trains, Lear ponders the individuals who manage the vast machinery of the Empire - from administrators and missionaries to kitmutgars and kamsamahs. Playfully engaging with the pompous British officers, Lear embraces the cacophony of local languages to compose nonsensical poems infused with an Indian flavor. Intertwined with this vivid portrayal are glimpses into Lear's own life - his deep-seated fears stemming from a troubling childhood and memories of unfulfilled adult relationships. Drawing inspiration from the journals of this renowned