Start With Why How Great Leaders Inspire Action by Simon Sinek
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- Title: Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Action
- Author: Simon Sinek
- Publisher (Paperback): Penguin UK; Latest Edition (1 January 2011)
- Publisher (Hardcover): Portfolio; Illustrated edition (29 October 2009)
- Number of Pages: 256
- Genre: Business, Leadership, Personal Development
- Binding: Paperback, Hardcover
- Language: English
- ISBN-10 (Paperback): 9780241958223
- ISBN-13 (Paperback): 978-0241958223
- ISBN-10 (Hardcover): 1591842808
- ISBN-13 (Hardcover): 978-1591842804
- Dimensions (Paperback): 19.8 x 12.9 x 1.56 cm
- Dimensions (Hardcover): 13.94 x 2.41 x 21.64 cm
- Item Weight (Paperback): 280 g
- Item Weight (Hardcover): 1 kg 50 g
- Country of Origin: United Kingdom
- Best Sellers Rank: Paperback: #438 in Books; Hardcover: #40,178 in Books
- Recommended Age: 16 years and up
- Global Shipping and Fulfillment by: EachDayKart Global
Start With Why by Simon Sinek explores why some leaders and organizations consistently outperform others. Through the stories of influential leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Steve Jobs, Sinek uncovers that they all share a common approach: they start with "why." This powerful question shapes the way they think, inspire, and lead.
This global bestseller offers a revolutionary framework for businesses and individuals to focus on their purpose beyond just "what" they do. Sinek’s TED Talk based on this concept has become one of the most-watched of all time, and his insights into leadership, motivation, and purpose resonate with people worldwide. Start With Why is a must-read for anyone aiming to lead with vision, cultivate inspiration, and unlock true potential.