The Undressed Soul (First Edition, 2017) by I. M. Madhavi Srushti Naphade in Binding Paperback
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- Author: I. M. Madhavi
- Publisher: Astan publications Pvt. Ltd; First Edition
- ISBN: 9789352585458
- SKU: BK0379808
- Number Of Pages: 206 pages
- Language: English
- Place of Publication: India
- Binding: Paperback
- Fulfillment by : Eachdaykart Global
Product Description
Manthan being an engineering drop out student has no extravaganza talent until he is ruled by the books and stories. This book is written by his perspective in his words, which is both contemporary and heart touching. He dates Neeriksha and has founded a calm and exotic relationship with her. But then, a story unfolds itself, written by Kenisha. S. A story of falling in love and out of it... A story we see and hear around us... A story you are living or have lived... A classic love story that will touch your heart and move your soul.