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The World's Best Boyfriend by Durjoy Datta in Paperback
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- Author : Durjoy Datta
- Language : English
- Binding : Paperback
- Global Fulfillment by : Eachdaykart Global
Product Description
Durjoy Datta, the author of 14 books which have sold over 23 lakh copies, is a born and raised New Delhi local. Despite completing a degree in engineering and business management, his true passion lies in writing. His debut book, "Of Course I Love You . . .", was published at the young age of twenty-one and became an instant bestseller. Subsequent novels such as "Now That You're Rich . . .", "She Broke Up, I Didn't! . . .", "Oh Yes, I'm Single! . . .", "You Were My Crush . . .", "If It's Not Forever . . .", "Till the Last Breath . . .", "Someone Like You", "Hold My Hand", "When Only Love Remains", "The Girl of My Dreams", "The Boy Who Loved", and "The Boy with the Broken Heart" have all achieved great success and solidified Durjoy as one of India's