IKEA DAGKLAR Jar with insert, clear glass/stainless steel | Food containers | Storage & organisation | Eachdaykart
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DAGKLAR jar with insert is perfect if you want to bring your own breakfast when you’re on the go, but works just as fine to use at home.
The insert for dry foods allows you to keep food like muesli or nuts separate from your overnight oats or yoghurt. You can also use the jar without the insert.
The jar is leak-proof, so you can safely have it in your bag or backpack.
Fits the side pockets of IKEA backpacks.
- Size : 0.4 l (13.5 oz)
- Country of Origin : CHINA
- Designed by : IKEA of Sweden
- Article Number : 704.972.09
Bring your breakfast in this leak-proof jar – to work, to school or back to bed. Perfect for overnight oats or yoghurt since it has an insert for dry foods like nuts or muesli.