The Art Of Fairness: The Power Of Decency In A World Turned Mean by David Bodanis in Paperback
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- Publisher : The Bridge Street Press
- Number Of Pages : 336
- Release date : 30 November 2021
- Binding : Paperback
- Place of Publication : India
- Language : English
- Fulfillment by : Eachdaykart
David Bodanis is a captivating narrator. Get ready to embark on an unexpected, extensive, and ultimately motivating expedition to examine our core humanity, as noted by Tim Harford. Can you achieve success without being a despicable person? We typically assume not, as the adage goes, "nice guys finish last." However, is it necessary to swing to the opposite extreme and become a bully or Machiavellian in order to accomplish tasks? In THE ART OF FAIRNESS, David Bodanis presents enthralling historical case studies to demonstrate a better path, skillfully navigating between the two extremes. He unveils how fairness, when implemented with proficiency, resulted in the construction of the Empire State Building in just one year - and how this same approach propelled a reserved English debutante to become a renowned jungle guerrilla fighter. Through ten captivating profiles - featuring pilots, presidents, and even the producer of Game of Thrones - we discover that greatness does not require dominating displays of power or