Forge Your Future: Blueprint To Shape Your Life by James Allen
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Unleash your full potential with James Allen's Forge Your Future: Blueprint to Shape Your Life. In this enlightening handbook, Allen shares the formula for self-mastery through "Mind Building and Life Building," advocating for the adoption of "Visions and Ideals" and the unshakable fortitude of "Faith and Courage." Explore the benefits of "Thoroughness" and "The Might of Meekness," while cultivating "Your Mental Attitude" for success. Gain insight into the powerful connection between "Thought and Health" and the importance of "Work." Uncover the transformative impact of "Small Tasks and Duties," unlocking the "Joy of Accomplishment." Allen's wise teachings reveal the techniques for utilizing "Memory, Repetition, and Habit" to lead a purposeful and gratifying life. Curated and compiled from the author's extensive body of work.