Start With Why How Great Leaders Inspire Action by Simon Sinek
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- Title: Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Action
- Author: Simon Sinek
- Publisher (Paperback): Penguin UK; Latest Edition (1 January 2011)
- Publisher (Hardcover): Portfolio; Illustrated edition (29 October 2009)
- Number of Pages: 256
- Genre: Business, Leadership, Personal Development
- Binding: Paperback, Hardcover
- Language: English
- ISBN-10 (Paperback): 9780241958223
- ISBN-13 (Paperback): 978-0241958223
- ISBN-10 (Hardcover): 1591842808
- ISBN-13 (Hardcover): 978-1591842804
- Dimensions (Paperback): 19.8 x 12.9 x 1.56 cm
- Dimensions (Hardcover): 13.94 x 2.41 x 21.64 cm
- Item Weight (Paperback): 280 g
- Item Weight (Hardcover): 1 kg 50 g
- Country of Origin: United Kingdom
- Best Sellers Rank: Paperback: #438 in Books; Hardcover: #40,178 in Books
- Recommended Age: 16 years and up
- Global Shipping and Fulfillment by: EachDayKart Global